Aviation Systems Group
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

Environmental, Social and Governance Strategy
ESG objectives and framework
Having caried out a thorough ESG audit ASG has identified its priority areas and set out its ESG objectives. It will implement an ESG framework based on these priorities through new policies, processes and practices relevant to the Company’s size and sector.
New ESG Policies
The new policies, processes and practices ASG will implement will include including an ESG policy which incorporates the Company’s priority ESG areas and ESG objectives. This can be found below at the 'ESG Policy Commitment' link.
Board Terms of Reference
ASG aims for its board of directors to achieve the highest board standards. It already has robust and transparent legal and professional standards in place but also aims to incorporate relevant ESG considerations into the board’s terms of reference. This will include ESG matters becoming a routine consideration in the board’s decision-making process going forward and how they will specifically consider ESG matters and act accordingly.
Updating Existing Policies
ASG has implemented several policies appropriate to its business that consider staff/people, customers, suppliers, health & safety, the environment and the community. Over the course of the next year or when specifically required to, ASG will continually update and improve policies in order to meet its ESG policy and stated commitments.
Measuring and Reporting
The ASG Board of Directors will regularly review, measure and report to stakeholders at suitable intervals on the Company’s progress in implementing its ESG strategy and new ESG policy. This will include:
Adding ESG objectives to the current company objectives reporting cycle
Making ESG a mandatory agenda item for the Board Monthly Management Operations Meeting
Updating the company website with the ASG ESG Policy statement
Adding ESG compliance to the supplier preferred supplier selection process
Adding ESG as part of the employee induction and, where relevant, contractor on-boarding process.