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Are you involved in photography, film, civil engineering or surveying?

Have you considered adding a drone to your current toolkit or branching out, possibly prioritising drone use, but using your existing skillset too?

Firstly, let’s talk about the personal aspect:

Taking on a new challenge will engage you, excite you and give you a sense of achievement as you gain a new skill.

It’s fun, just don’t forget the Drone Code.

If you do it within your existing company, there are opportunities to show that you’re financially aware, aware of innovations within the market and ready for more responsibility. All excellent for promoting your own career.

Flying a drone will get you outside, mixing up the time in the office to avoid the routine. You’ll be more dependant on the weather, will get to increase your Vitamin K and possibly get fitter too as you carry equipment to where you need to be.

For the Film Industry:

Drones have changed the game here, as filmmakers all over the world use them to capture awesome footage and images, without having to get a cameraman on an actual helicopter and shoot the video from there. Flying a drone is much cheaper than flying a helicopter, though there are arguments for using both. Drones have been used in many large Hollywood blockbusting films, from Transformers to Paddington and they’re used extensively in the TV industry too.

When running a business that involves capturing videos and images, such as with events, weddings, festivals, and the like, having a drone will definitely be a plus since it enables you to get more footage with less manpower. Currently without a PfCO, you’re not allowed within 150m of gatherings of more than 1,000 people, so if you want to film festivals or sports events, then training is a must!

If you haven’t tried it already, talk to us – it won’t take us long to convince you.

Your vision, that element that makes you a successful photographer will soon show you all kinds of possibilities.

For Civil Engineers and Surveyors:

Again, the cost implications are huge. With construction and utilities company saving high 6-figure sums every year, can your company afford to overlook this area of innovation? Severn Trent saved £750,000 in its first year of operation and expect that to double in its second year. Other utility companies using drones include Wales & West Utilities, National Grid and Wessex Water amongst others.

Then there are the Health & Safety implications. Take the person out of the dangerous situation be it chimney, roof, or oil rig inspection, and replace with a drone. Can you really put a price on life? There is an insurance element here to think of too. Insurance companies are becoming more aware of the capabilities that drones offer. As a company employing drones, you may find that your insurance premium reduces.

Marketing and PR opportunities are high too, as you can communicate with the local community to show how fast, beautiful and considerate a company you are. Communication both internally and externally will improve.

Obviously, the costs involved must be weighed again any potential business and we can’t overemphasise this. Thousands have obtained a PfCO since 2013 and gone into business, only to fail within the year. You need resilience, both financial and emotional. Opportunities won’t just fall into your lap, which is one reason we advocate building on your current skillset, experience and business network. You need a plan, that encompasses your vision for the business, the finances, the practicalities, the marketing and your home life.

Still interested? Good. We can help train you, advise you on the drones themselves and how best to use them within your business.

Call us on 0800 924 7001 to discuss this further.

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